Plenty of progress!

We've added a few things to our Unity client, which include: Ground/tile damageAOE nades (e.g. Medusa)Abilities (most are fully functioning)Heavy optimizations to our particle system (alongside many of the missing particle effects being added)A lot more condition effects are now fully functioningCondition effect text displays when damaged (e.g. Slowed!)Started implementing in simple vector graphics based... Continue Reading →


We've now added particles to our Unity port, and some of them are already working as you would expect. I have also done a little stress test (400 fountains) at the end of the video, and that's pretty much it, enjoy, and thanks for catching up with our progress. 🙂

Status bars, SFX, and more!

This update has some cool new additions, which involve status bars (XP, Fame, HP, MP) and sound effects, like seen in the video. In addition to that, there have been HUGE optimizations made to our client, nullifing the high memory usage we had before with new entity rendering, while heavily improving our FPS, once again,... Continue Reading →

Chat and other cool things

We've now fully implemented in the base of chatting (sending and receiving messages), as well as added teleporting via the minimap! In addition to that, we've done some smaller things to help with the performance of the client, as well as doing some mobile build tests, which came back very positive handling 60FPS with no... Continue Reading →

Cool progress!

We've made plenty of SWEET progress on our Unity port over the last 2 days. More so, we have implemented a better, multipurpose shader, that allows us to handle glow colours, outline colours and tile sinking dynamically (presented in the video with water/lava sinking, and player/portal glows/outlines)! We've added a character selection screen (it doesn't... Continue Reading →

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