Status bars, SFX, and more!

This update has some cool new additions, which involve status bars (XP, Fame, HP, MP) and sound effects, like seen in the video.

In addition to that, there have been HUGE optimizations made to our client, nullifing the high memory usage we had before with new entity rendering, while heavily improving our FPS, once again, doubling it.

We have also taken time to improve our inventory handling, and it feels a lot smoother now!

I’ve also conducted a few tests on a very old system (J4005 dual core processor, 4GB ram, no GPU), and we can hit 70-80 FPS in crowded areas (Nexus), while easily hitting 150+ in more empty areas, like the Realm (and up to 280 in VERY empty areas, like the beach). Values based on 800×600 resolution, they are half that in 1920×1080.

Here’s the video for today’s post:

Thank you for catching up with us, and as per usual, stay tuned for future updates. 🙂

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