Revenge of the Fallen: Gate to the Underworld — Ra, the Sun God

Hey all! patpot here with another content blog post! This time, we’ll be showcasing a boss fight from a Hard-rank dungeon we’ve been working on: the Gate to the Underworld.

In this dungeon, you’ll travel through our interpretation of the Egyptian afterlife. Battle mini-bosses and Gods, and help Osiris realize his plan to save the Duat from falling into chaos. After months of work on the whole dungeon, we’re excited to show off this small section of the Gate to the Underworld.

Before exploring the afterlife, you’ll have to defeat Ra. To show the power of the Sun God, I’ve chosen a few highlights from the team’s first playthrough. Take a look!

The fight starts off with a manic bullet hell. Destroy Ra’s staves or you’ll find the rest of the phases rather difficult to handle (they might not have been too difficult to destroy without health scaling, oops).

Ra channels the power of the sun. Here’s a clip of Miniguy maneuvering around him (or possibly trying to aggro everything to kill me. Hard to say which).

Despite Ra’s innate firepower, he can be overwhelmed. When challenged, he calls upon the sky.

Ra’s Sun Disk attack (shown below) isn’t particularly threatening, but it does demonstrate how we reward precise movement in RotF. We’ve reworked the hitbox system to behave more like some beloved bullet hells, so dodging feels super smooth. We’ll definitely talk more about this soon, but for now, check out this clip!

Ra’s Sun Lasers were not originally part of this fight, but their omission caused Quaximi to screech. You don’t want Quax to screech (trust me, you don’t), so here they are!

Once Ra’s dead, there’s nothing stopping you from taking a ride to through the rest of the dungeon… Except for the fact that the post ends here.

When the time is right, the Duat boat will take you beyond the Sun Docks.

Thanks for reading as always! I hope you enjoyed this content teaser.

As always, keys will be added in 15 minutes. Good luck!

1. (3 characters) In order to relax one could get in a jacuzzi or a hot _ _ _. (can you tell we get excited when keys generate a full word)

2. The number which hint this is.

3. Final letter of the English alphabet.

4. The first letter of the name of the boss shown in this blog post.


1. Flip an M upside down.

2. The first character of the type of creature that guarded the Icy Peaks in legacy RotF that players would fight in the realm.

3. (4 characters) Aztec without the t.

4. The first letter of the name of the staff member who is present in all of the gifs except the last one. (because he died 😦 )

1. (2 characters) Abbreviation for High Definition.

2. The number of non-RotF related hints from these 3 keys (not counting this one).

3. The first letter of the name of the dungeon shown in this blog post.

4. 3×3

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